Discipleship Track takes place during Wednesday services on campus. We all meet together for worship in the sanctuary, then breakout in difference classes across campus. Although there will be different classes and teachers, all will be going through the same curriculum! Here's more info on what we'll be learning:
Week 1: Discover Your Purpose
Every day can be an adventure with God! In this first week, we'll explore how God has a unique purpose for YOU – not just in the big moments, but in every ordinary day. Learn to recognize the meaningful missions He has for you, big and small, and find joy in the journey as you walk with Him.
Week 2: Discover the Power of the Word
We’ll explore the Bible as God’s message to us, revealing who He is and guiding how we live. We’ll cover how the Bible was formed, how to understand its message, and how to use it as a solid foundation for our faith.
Week 3: Discover the Power of Prayer
We'll explore the transformative power of prayer and how to make it a vibrant part of our daily lives. We'll address common challenges to prayer, discover how to overcome distractions, and learn to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer.
Week 4: Discover the Plan of Salvation
If someone asked you, "What do I need to do to go to heaven?" would you know what to say? You will after this class! We'll dive deep into what it means to be born again, how to experience the new life God has for us, and how to explain it to others.
Week 5-7: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Ready to uncover the unique gifts God has placed within you? In weeks 5-7, we’re diving into spiritual gifts—those God-given abilities that equip you to serve others and become a conduit of His power. From service gifts to supernatural moments, discover how to recognize and grow these gifts as part of God’s plan, and step into a new level of purpose and impact!
Week 8: Discover Your Personality Strengths
Ever wonder why you connect easily with some people but clash with others? This week, we’re discovering how personality plays a role in both our spiritual and social lives. Learn more about how God has wired you, why you approach things the way you do, and how understanding your personality can help you grow and build stronger relationships!