Defined by the Vine

Jun 4, 2023    Pastor Jason Forbush

Connection with Jesus allows us to accomplish what we could not on our own. Whatever doesn’t come naturally, can come supernaturally when we're connected to the Vine.

Small Group Discussion Questions:

-What is a natural talent or ability that you have? Something that you could almost do with your eyes closed?

-What is something that you know you need to do, but just does not come naturally for you? 

Pastor shared an example of how commercial growers will often graft a young branch into a mature grape vine. This allows the new branch to take on the characteristics, flavor, and even disease resistance of the mature vine. 

-As sinners saved by grace, you could say we are all new branches grafted into the Vine. What are some characteristics or strengths you’ve been able to take on through connection with Jesus? 

-Have you noticed that these tend to wane when you’ve become distant or disconnected with Jesus? 

-Can you share a time when you realized you were connected to the wrong root system? What did you do to restore your connection with Jesus? 

-What are some personal disciplines that keep you connected with Jesus daily?