Note: Feel free to pray the Scriptures as well as the prayer points under each. Remember that it’s important to pray both the Scriptures and prayer points out loud.  

Praise the LORD! Praise Him for His mighty acts…(Psalms 150:1, 2)
  • Jesus, I give You praise today for all the amazing things You’ve done.  
  • You’re the Creator of the Whole World!   
  • You keep ALL your promises. 
  • You give your people FREEDOM!  
  • You are a Blesser. 
  • You’re the Savior.  
  • You have all authority over all creation. Everything happens according to Your plan.   “...are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. You are strong and powerful. No one can fight against you and win." (2nd Chronicles 20:6) 
  • You’re the Miracle Worker. “You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.” (Psalms 77:14)
O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. (Psalms 139:1)
  • I can’t hide anything from You.  You know every word I’ve spoken and everything I have thought that wasn’t the right thing. I need your mercy and grace. Please forgive me, Lord.
If I hide my sins, I will not succeed… but if I admit my sins and give them up, I will receive mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13, personalized NIRV)
  • Help me to be strong. Help me to do what’s right. Help me to follow your commandments.
Spend a few moments asking God to reveal anything He wants to change in your life.  You can use the following ideas to get started:
  • Is there anything with my family or friends that I need to work on?
  • Is there anything You want me to change about the things I’ve been saying or thinking?
  • Is there anything I do that you want me to change?
  • What do You want me to stop doing?  What do You want me to start doing?
We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we can give Him praise. God brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light… (1 Peter 2:9, personalized, NIRV)
  • Help us as a church to continue to grow in faith, learn your word, & understand your love for us. 
  • I lift up those in my church family that need your healing and peace. Be with them Lord. 
  • I pray for wisdom for my church family.  Guide us in all decisions, large and small, as we follow You.