Note: Feel free to pray the Scriptures as well as the prayer points under each. Remember that it’s important to pray both the Scriptures and prayer points out loud.  

GOD, my God, I can't thank you enough.
(Psalms 30:12)
  • “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD takes care of me.” (Psalms 3:5) Jesus, I want to thank you for my life today.  You’ve let me start a new day, to see Your goodness, to be with my family and friends, to share Your love and to serve You in every way that I can.
  • I’m grateful to be able to think, to move, and to enjoy activities that I love to do!
  • I have peace, hope and joy today because of You. 
Every good gift and perfect gift in my life is from God (James 1:17, NIRV)
  • Thank you for my health.
  • Thank you for protecting my mind.
  • Thank you for my family and friends.
  • Thank you for my pastor and church family.
  • Thank you for my talents.
  • Thank you for the food in my belly, clothes on my back, & home I live in.
  • Thank you for any miracles in my life.
  • Your Word says that even the “bad things” I face are reasons to be happy because they test my faith and strengthen my faith so that I will be “perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  (James 1:2) So I thank You for the hard things that You allow that make me a better person and a better Christian.
If I forgive those who sin against me, my heavenly Father will forgive me.  But if I refuse to forgive others, my Father will not forgive my sins. (Matthew 6:14)
  • Jesus, I admit that forgiving is sometimes hard. Search my heart right now and point out the people I need to forgive.
  • Give me the strength to forgive people that have hurt me.  
  • Thank You for having so much patience with me.  When I’ve made mistakes, You’ve been forgiving and kind. Even when I’ve chosen to do the wrong thing repeatedly, You’ve given me chance after chance to get things right.  
  • Thank you for never giving up on me.  
  • I ask You to forgive me of the sins I’ve done or said and to help me live a life that’s pleasing to You today.
…not my will, but Yours be done.
Luke 22:42, NIV

  • You always know what’s best.  I want to do what you want in my life.
  • Help me have a better attitude.
Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your instructions! Psalm 119:5
  • I want to become more like You in every way.
  • Help me to live my life following your will.
  • I submit:
    • My mouth (what I say)
    • My eyes (what I look at)
    • My ears (what I listen to)
  • I submit all of my:
    • Doubts (questions)
    • Fears (things I’m afraid of)
    • Unbelief (lack of faith)