Note: Feel free to pray the Scriptures as well as the prayer points under each.  Remember that it’s important to pray both the Scriptures and prayer points out loud.  
"God, You are the vine, and I am a branch. You said that whoever abides in You and You in them, bears much fruit. Apart from You, I can do nothing."
(John 15:5 NIV, personalized)
  • Lord, I know that You are the vine. I want to stick close to You because that’s where I find true freedom, joy, and hope. 
  • If it wasn’t for You, I wouldn’t know true forgiveness. You extend grace to me even though I’ve done nothing to deserve it. 
  • If it wasn’t for You, I wouldn’t know true peace. You calm every storm.
  • If it wasn’t for You, I wouldn’t know true love. You died and rose again just to give me freedom. 
  • It is only in You, that I can find true fulfillment. Thank You, Jesus, for allowing me to lean on You as I navigate life. 
  • I recognize my dependence on You. Today, I surrender my efforts and abilities and rely fully on Your strength. 
  • You are the Creator of all things, and I understand that it is by Your hand that everything has come into existence. 
  • You are the perfect example of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I pray that my life would be a reflection of Your character. 
Lord, who is a God like you? You forgive sin. You forgive your people when they do what is wrong. You don't stay angry forever. Instead, you take delight in showing your faithful love to them.
(Micah 7:18)
  • Thank You, Lord, for the delight You find in forgiving me. Because of your kindness, I don’t have to fear being honest with You. 
  • I take time now to confess my sins. I believe that Your grace is sufficient for me. 
  • Forgive me for the times I have fallen short. I bring my sins before You, knowing that You are faithful and just to forgive. 
  • Thank You for not staying angry with me, despite my flaws. Thank You that I don’t have to live in condemnation. You are so good, God. 
If I forgive those who sin against me, my heavenly Father will forgive me.  But if I refuse to forgive others, my Father will not forgive my sins.(Matthew 6:14)
  • Jesus, I admit that forgiving others can be difficult for me. There are times when I battle offense and bitterness. I ask that You search my heart now, and point out the people and situations I’ve faced, that I’m still holding grudges against.
  • Give me the strength to forgive those that have hurt me.  
  • Heal any wounds in my spirit that would cause me to become offended.  Help me to let things go quickly and place the strength within me to not dwell on hurtful comments or actions. 
  • Help me not to be overly sensitive. Help me believe the best about the intentions of others. 
Just like a body, though it has many parts, is one body, so it is with Christ.
(1 Corinthians 12:12, NIV)
  • Lord, I pray for unity in my church. I ask that You bring us together in love and purpose. Help us to value our unique qualities and work well together for Your Kingdom. 
  • Build a spirit of understanding and support among us. 
  • Let Your love lead our church as we grow in knowledge and understanding for one another. 
  • In Jesus, Name, I pray against any attack of the enemy that would attempt to bring separation, offense, and unforgiveness to my church family. 
  • Strengthen us to grow closer to You and one another as we continue to spread the gospel and show love in our communities. 
"Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments."
(Psalm 119:66, personalized)
  • Lord, give me discernment in my patterns. I want everything in my life to be pleasing to you, including the habits I form. Give me the wisdom and clarity to see habits I have, that I need to let go of. 
  • I commit my actions to You. I ask that You would establish my plans so that they are in alignment with Your will for my life. 
  • Let my words, thoughts, and actions be pleasing to You. Lead me to embrace habits that are in line with Your standards and bring glory to Your Name. 
  • As I surrender to You, transform the way that I think of myself so that I can form more godly habits.
No temptation has overtaken me except what is common to mankind. And You are faithful; You will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. But when I am tempted, You will also provide a way out so that I can endure it.
(1 Corinthians 10:13, personalized, NIV)
  • Lord, I know that while I am here on earth I am going to experience temptation but I thank You for the hope I have in You to overcome it.
  • When I face difficulties, help me to remember that I am not alone. You are with me and You have given me the strength to not be overtaken. 
  • Jesus, just as You used the Word to respond to temptation, empower me to combat the temptations of my flesh, with Your Word.

  • "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5, NIV)
    • I speak Your Word to the temptation of materialism and greed. I choose contentment in Your promises, knowing You will never leave me or forsake me. You are alone, are my Provider. 

  • "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16, NIV)
    • I speak Your Word to the temptation of lust and immorality. I commit to walking in the Spirit and resisting the desires of my flesh. Give me a pure mind.

  • "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6, NIV)
    • I speak Your Word to the temptation of pride and vanity. I choose humility under Your mighty hand, and I trust You will lift me up in due time. I will act justly, love mery, and walk humbly with You, Lord. (Micah 6:8, personalized)

  • "Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." (Galatians 5:26, NIV)
    • I speak Your Word to the temptation towards jealousy and envy. Help me avoid conceit, gossip, and envy. Guide me to embrace unity, love, and understanding.
Thank You for hearing my prayers and allowing me to feel Your presence today.
  • Thank You for going before me, being with me and never forsaking me. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
  • I give this day to You.   I ask You to order my steps, and use me to be a blessing to others.
  • In Jesus’ name, amen!